I've taken a lot of pictures, but this one is the best, even if only six of the seven is in it. The missing kitten is a light grey tabby.
They're all over the place now - playing, running, wrestling with each other. Peeing and pooping is in the litter box now, and I've removed their tiny 'my first litter box', kept a small box for them and got a large box for mommy Eve. They prefer mom's box, of course. :)
Seems like they get bigger every day. Most are now eating kitten food. They grow up so fast! Poor Eve is worn out and bone thin from the demands of nursing, so I hope they finish weaning sooner rather than later. (The vet gave me high-calorie food for her, and she eats a lot of kitten food too.)
My friend has decided to take one of the gray and white tuxedos, and her aunt wants to take one of the darker tabbies but can't pick him/her up until December. Four kittens still need homes!
Eve and her kittens are living in Queens, New York City. If you're interested in adopting one (or two!) adorable kittens, please post here!
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